About The Blog

Charlotte, Honey, Owen, Emily, Grace. La Tierra de Los Nietos, 2018.

Charlotte, Honey, Owen, Emily, Grace. La Tierra de Los Nietos, 2018.

“Quit saying you’re tired.”
— My Beautiful Mother

Here’s the thing…I stared at this section of my blog for about twelve minutes, while my 20 month old daughter brought me every single Diet Dr. Pepper can—one by one—from the pantry. I didn’t write a single word, until I reminded myself of the purpose behind the erratic idea to document my ever-evolving, sometimes monotonous, intermittently unhinged, but ALWAYS copious experiences of life.

Purposeful As A Mother

I don’t think I have personally met a parent who does not talk at least SOME shit about raising kids. What I love about those people is their honesty. I might be a little too honest about life and parenting, but I don’t want my shared experiences to merely sound like I’m just lamenting. But let’s be real…sometimes we need to f*ing complain! Regardless, my blog is a virtual safe haven for anyone who wants or needs comfort in knowing that perfection is bullshit and boring.

This blog is raw. This blog is honest. This blog is real. This blog is ALL THE THINGS that make up my identity—the girl I was, the woman I have become, the wife and mom I aspire to be. I have embraced my flaws and my weaknesses, and I have grown to love who I am because of them. I want the same for you. I want the same for my children. Loving yourself entirely leaves very little room for disappointment. We’re like a seed. Loving who we are and all that encompasses our life (people, places, experiences…all things good and bad) is the water that we need to thrive. Happiness is what grows from that…and then we have the privilege to remain deeply rooted in that bliss.

My goal is to encourage and inspire my readers to find joy—even in the hardest and shittiest of times—through my coloquial dialogue (potty words) and humor. I want to make some kind of difference in this world. I chose this because, bottom line…we f*cking need each other.

Grab your coffee (or your vodka) and enjoy this with me.